Loving Life Fitness Podcast

#17 - Intuitive Living Institute with Arthur Lukasiewicz, Sinead Moffatt and Faith Yurchak

Host Angela Grayson Episode 17

The Intuitive Living Institute is home to a network of energetic healers and light connection educators. Arthur Lukasiewicz, Sinead Moffatt and Faith Yurchak come together to tell their stories about how they nurtured their sensitivity to following their intuitions and ultimately has led to a thriving spiritual community where they are able to help others heal, follow their hearts and fulfill their souls' desires by finding their true purpose in life. Some of the amazing stories include how they connect with the universe to use their intuition for guidance in major life decisions, how they tailor their group meditations to the listeners and create custom light connections to give their participants direction, how to ask angels for help and find signs from the universe and ultimately how each of their lives transformed from regular people who knew nothing about believing in energy to the complete opposite. 

Take advantage of the generous offer from our sponsor: The Intuitive Living Institute. Claim your complimentary class pass at intuitivelivinginstitute.org and head to weekly classes page to redeem your free offer. 
The Intuitive Living Institute is passionate about putting the power back in your hands. They provide classes, workshops, meditations, coaching and one-on-one sessions to guide you to tune into your intuition. Everything is customized to each individual and no two people will follow the same learning path. With intuition as your foundation, you will feel more connected and awakened. Life will make more sense. You will uncover why you are here and what your purpose is on earth.  The Intuitive Living Institute is located in Palm Coast, FL. Many of their offerings are accessible through Zoom. Get a monthly membership that includes all access or individual sessions. The Institute is also the founder of an annual Wellness Expo in Palm Coast, FL 

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This is Angela Grayson from the Loving Life Fitness Podcast. to help others in their fitness journey. It's all possible! It’s time to wake up. Here we go. Hello, everyone. This is Angela Grayson from the Loving Life Fitness Podcast, where we talk to professionals and everyday people about their lifestyles so they can live their best life. Today we have with us a group of people. We have three people here from the Intuitive Living Institute. We have Arthur, Faith and Sinead. Hey Everyone . Arthur, let's start with you. Let's tell us about the business that you have here that's considered Palm Coast, where you're located A1A correct? Right. Palm Coast Hammock Dunes, we are just a mile north of toll bridge. Okay. Let's talk about your background, where you come from and how you got into your business and where you are today. Okay. Well, that's a long story, Angela, but I try to make shorter. It started years years ago in Poland. I used to be a veterinarian. Then we moved to the U.S. in 89, and it was really difficult for me to redo all the study in the U.S. So I decided to change my profession to physical therapy. And then in the middle of the program, a friend of mine introduced me to the acupuncture and I said no. He was holistic physical therapist and I said, Well, I don't believe in the energy at all, but I will give it a try. And he said, within a two months you will believe that the energy is real and it does exist and you can work with it. So I became acupuncturist. Then we moved to Florida in 2002, I believe I open up my practice in Ormond Beach and ten years years later I think, oh, somewhere around 2010. Me and my good friend Christy Kaushik. Excellent massage therapist from Ormond Beach, had this brilliant idea that maybe we should start a holistic center. So we had all those wonderful ideas, but then we had no physical place to open it. And then my wife actually gave me this idea. It was my daughter's horseback riding ranch where she was taking horseback riding classes, Sleepy Hollow Ranch. So we negotiated the lease and we open up the center over there. I had on my tiny wooden cabin, and then we had the pound gazebo about it, butterfly garden to lobby ramps. We had of ten relaxation meditation stations, and that's where we were doing meditations and energy work up to about what, 2019 19? Yes, the place was sold. We had this idea actually to to build the building over there to have about 2000 square feet of holistic center with the rooms, treatment rooms. We met the couple of times we with certain officials of Palm Coast, and they were afraid that we will generate too much traffic on that street over there. So the project fell apart. She sold the property and we had to move out out of there to the body therapy center. But then we find out that the property was sold to the landscaping company with the two tractor trailers, 40 workers. Traffic was not an issue, but I guess the universe want us to be in a different location. Then we actually had to move from the Body Therapy center when we had our grand opening of institute there and we've been here on A1A for the past three, almost four years. Yeah, three years now. Yeah. And you all work there and you're an acupuncturists there, correct, Arthur? I do less of the acupuncture work, done energy work. Right now I've found that the energy work actually is more beneficial for my clients than just plain acupuncture. I can still add the acupuncture to the protocols, but I love to use energy work instead. Can you explain that? Energy work. Energy work. This is what we learned from Christopher, my mentor. He's Polish as well. He's been here for quite a few years. Just moved to St. Augustine, so I had a chance to visit him and he was giving me a lot of his instructions and a lot of guidance at that time. But basically always pointing me to the energy work. And you know, when I was asking him about my business or other business or businesses, he was always telling me that they show me nothing about those businesses. But he's showing me working with the light, with the energy. I said, yes, yes, he has a right. Sure. But let's talk about the business. No, always. We were coming back to the energy works, so I found what my skills are learned through him, how I can tap into you as energy. For example. And I read some of the information's recorded in your centers. We call this chakras. Everything is recorded over there and we just need to tap into that free bank of the information, collect the information for the benefits of yours or our patients, and then give them the guidance and instructions. And if there is something which needs to be energetically done, we can do it. We know how to clear the energies, how to balance the energies, how to connect you to some other energies around you for your benefit. So there is a lot of work, a lot of we can do. So chakra healing can help with emotional issues, physical issues with everything. Yeah, Yes. Because those are invisible for most of US systems, but visible for us. They are connected to the physical tissues they connect connected to your energy field around you. Our thoughts, for example, emotional states, that's energies as well. I mean, you feel love, but you don't see it. But you know how it feels not to be loved, for example. And that will affect your chemicals in your brain chemistry of the entire body. But you see that energy, we work with it. We see it. So sometimes those negative thoughts, we see them, we clear them, we move them away from what we call the system of the eighth chakra, which is above your head, controlling your thinking process. There is a lot of what we can do energetically, I believe. Caroline Lewis called something what we're doing right now. Back, back years ago. Medical intuitive applications. So like for example, you have a stomach ulcer, You're going to see your doctor and the doctor prescribes you all the medicine for the stomach ulcer. But stomach ulcer does not go away months and months later. So then when you intuitively connecting to this particular patient, you finding very quickly that the source of the stomach ulcers is not within the stomach, within the patient, it's outside. It could be the patient mother in law, for example, connection, and we can clear it. We can energetically disconnect that person from the stressful factors and the stomach ulcers are starting to heal. That's something common. Mother in laws and all ulcers. They're probably probably the most common issue, but it would be anything could be. We all connected interconnected on this planet. We all are brothers and sisters. I can tap in to your systems and check on your family members, on your friends. Some of the connections are very beneficial for us, but some of them are very draining. And you don't want to be connected to those. Okay. And we know we've been very well trained how to recognize those connections, how to clear them and restore your own, you know, happiness, space. Yes. And now this. Okay, Sinead, what would you like to add to this? Tell me about your story. I'll tell you first. I'm probably the greatest testimony for Arthur, because all the things that he's saying, he's tried and tested on me, but that was actually the eighth chakra one. So I can tell you that that's something that definitely helps and it's real and it's made such an improvement in my life. And I like Arthur. I didn't anticipate ending up here. I was an Irish girl who just moved to New York on a dream and a backpack, and I went into corporate America and I thought that was fantastic. I was like, They pay you, you know, you, you only work 9 to 5. It's amazing. But then late into my twenties, I was struggling with anxiety and a bit of OCD and stuff like that. And I thought, you know what, This isn't working out for me. I have more anxiety, more depression. Then I'm like, you know, I'd like to do has to be more like I went on a sort of a search. So when I went on the search, I found life coaching. I think it was first no angels. I found angels first. And I thought really like those guys very into that. But I got certified an angel card reading and all that and loved it. And then life coaching and hypnosis came up next and I thought, This is me set now I've started my own little business. I was doing great and little did I know that I would stumble upon Arthur in the woods. I mean, so random, you know, just this dropping out into this place with bugs and trees and, you know, other people say, it was great, it was out in the woods, the wilderness, like the bugs. But I went out there and I just felt like my soul had led me there, and that was it. But then he couldn't get rid of me from then on. And we ended up doing I remember you asking me the first day was for a logo, I think it was. And I'd never done anything like that, you know, right there mentioned that Chris was explaining our gifts. He had said that to me that I should do like this creative work or logos or websites or whatever. And I'm like, Listen, this is not my area. I am not a professional. I've never been trained in this. I, I can't even imagine. And then I did it. And I mean, how many websites and I am now 18 or something. We met the for the all the practitioners and started working with everybody and helping each of the practitioners grow their little businesses. Because anyone who does the training with us, that becomes a practitioner, we support them, you know, we support their business, we help them and they use the light connections therapy in their businesses. So it's actually great. It's a great little family and here we are. Yeah. So and I've taken to light connection therapy training too. I don't use it as a healer the way Faith and Arthur would I use it like to see someone's profile of maybe what their website would look like or their logo. So it's not just about physical healing. Like you can use your intuition anywhere. Parenting my husband’s a business guy and he thrives. He he's like, I couldn't use my business without intuition. So I think that's important to note because people would assume, Oh, you're going to get energy healing, training to be a healer. You might not. You might be a yoga teacher or life coach or a mom. And and now here we are. But how do we teach people to use their intuition in everyday life instead of going with the norms or what we've been trained to do since we were children? I know programing is so deep. My sink started working the other day, stopped working, and I was just I kept pressing the wrong button and I was like, Wow, this programing is deep. Like I could not get it straight that I had to turn the faucet on and off. I besides the sensor, because the batteries were out. And so I started thinking about programing. And the good news is intuition is something that can be strengthened. It's like the gym. You know, if you're building a muscle, you can strengthen the muscle. And Arthur and Faith have well, they're the experts at this really. You guys could teach how to teach the intuition. But we do exercises. We do a lot of meditation, and each person's different. They'll find their intuition in different ways, or they'll use it in different ways. So maybe you could tell them how how were you trained? Let's hear Faith. I would say that first and foremost, you're learning your own intuitive language how things feel to you. If something feels right, if something feels wrong, if you how your senses work. And so as we begin to teach the intuitive senses, we're looking at sometimes a feeling. Sometimes we might have a visual of something, or we might just know that something is right for us. And there's things that we do through meditation and teaching this. But as you begin to work with it, you begin to trust because, okay, I feel this certain way that I feel strongly to do this one thing, and then I follow through with it and I do it, and then it proves that to me. And now I'm trusting myself. And the more I trust myself, the stronger those intuitive images come to me, those the understanding of how the world works and then I'll know. I'll know all the time what is the right, what isn't the right. I'll inherently know that. So it becomes just another sense. If that makes sense. You always live your life faith intuitively. Yes, I do. I do now. I do now. But previous as to when you didn't or. Yeah, yeah. So I know though. Or my story. My story goes way back. So even as a child, I was very sensitive and I didn't understand sensitivity. I didn't understand that what I was experiencing was energy or light beings around me. I just knew that things felt different to me. And when I tried to explain to other people, they didn't have same experience. So a lot of times I was in trouble, right? It sounded like I was making things up. Sounded like you're just being overreactive, too sensitive about that. So as I grew, I kind of had to try to fit in with the world. I had to make myself fit, and we all do. We all learn how this world operates and how to act and behave, to be able to function in this world and it's necessary. You kind of have to if I do walked around my whole life just feelin’ the feels, I'd probably be a lunatic by now and locked up. So I had to do that. But for me, I never forgot about it. Many people will forget and leave it in the past, but for me it's always pulled me along, even though I didn't always feel like maybe I should trust it, I still would sometimes find myself following, and I was always very connected to energy. I understood that in a way that I don't know most people do. It just was very natural to me. So when I learned about energy healing probably over 20 years ago now, I started with Reiki. So a lot of people have heard of Reiki and I became a Reiki master. I became a massage therapist. I thought, Well, this will be my path now I'll do this. And it was great. It was really lovely. I like working with it and teaching people how to do Reiki, but it was very structured. It was very there was a prescription, a plan for it. We do it this way and this is your outcome. And what started to happen to me was I started to lose myself in it. So now I was helping all of these other people, but I wasn't growing myself anymore because I thought the plan was the plan and you stuck to that. And I've since learned that that's not the case. So when we moved to Florida in 2012, I want to say I was a mom and a wife and my mom moved in with us and I was having a terrible panic attacks, anxiety. My husband was a very high functional alcoholic. My child was not doing what he needed to do in school. My mom was driving everyone crazy and I was just trying to hold on. I felt like if I could keep a handle on everything and keep everyone happy and work and do my thing, eventually it will all work out. And the more I tried to control it, the worse it got. And I started to get sick and I ended up hospitalized with blood clots in my lungs and some other issues and I knew at that moment that this was a message. This was the time for me to make a change in my life right now. You got to do it. So I stopped everything and just took a minute and healed and changed my job over. I was working for someone else. I started working for myself and as I'm working for myself, Sinead walks through the door for a massage and says, You got to meet this guy. Arthur. He's the real deal. And I And I'm like, What? She's like, Yeah. So we started talking about energy work and we were so excited to just find another person to talk about this with and how we were feeling and all of these changes. And so I started going to meditations out in the cabin in the Woods with everybody else. Sounds crazy. And I was like, Okay. So then I booked a few sessions with Arthur. And what I didn't realize, despite the fact that I'd been on anti-anxiety medications, antidepressants, been journaling, all the things I thought were the right things to do, that there was something within me that was unique and different, and that now I understand there is something unique and different in each of us. So when when that was presented to me and he could see what was happening within me, then I began to understand how to function differently in my life. And I started making my life first and foremost about me and for me, and just basically at the beginning, learning to love myself, which is a tall order for many, many people. And it has been, what, like almost eight or nine years now that I've been working with Arthur. And in that time now and Chris, I don't want to not talk about Chris because Chris has been just as instrumental in all of this because he began everything. But no longer with any anxiety or a panic attacks. Those went away like right at the beginning. So that was I was grateful for that. But even family issues, so my husband is now sober two years. He's had two hip replacements. He couldn't walk at all before. And we just did a trip to Alaska. My whole family, my whole life and my whole family's life changed because of my experience of coming in and doing this work and I had to show up for it. I had to show up for myself first. And then just by being me and just sharing my own self with everyone, not forcing anyone to change, they were able to benefit from it. My husband's not going to come here and meditate with us. It's not gonna happen. But he's benefited from it. So it's just if you allow this work to happen for you, it can change every aspect of your life. I you can understand what is perfect for you in this life, not what the prescription is that everyone else says is right. So that's my story. Very well put. So now Faith, what work do you do there at the Institute? I began in here as a massage therapist, but I am more often doing energy healing sessions just like Arthur, except that he has his gifts and I have my gifts. So if you come to him, you're getting a different type of session than you would with me. And then I teach meditation classes and doing an angel workshop coming up soon, different little workshops that we have here and there. But and then we teach the light connections therapy training for people that want to learn how to be a healer. Sinead might like to talk a little bit about that. Go ahead. Yeah, well, we actually just had a little chat about it yesterday and we'll be discussing our dates for next year. But we're planning on for people who would like to maybe they do want to be an energy healer. It's a wonderful path also for people who have wellness. Businesses like Faith had, you know, massage therapists. It's a great addition to add that intuitive aspect to your business. And then of course, for anyone to just wants to go on a spiritual growth path, I think would that be the best way to say it? That would be the people who would benefit the most from the training, but it would be sort of a six month program where there's going to be two parts. So the first part will be maybe levels one and two, and that will start off with the physical and the chakras and all that. And then there'll be practice period and immersion and sort of letting everything assimilate. And then we do the second part and then get certified. So it's a wonderful we've all done the program and we've great testimonials from it. People are actually intuitively living. I would say that's the outcome, right? We make it intuitively. We have, you know, relationships. We approach them intuitively, not the way we want to or the way our ego or mind might. We sort of leave it up to the intuitive part of ourselves. So it is wonderful training and anyone's welcome classes are small because as Faith said, everything is unique to each person. So we have about ten spaces available for each class and it's a wonderful experience. But we'll put we'll put some we're going to be chatting a little bit more about it. Again, we'll go to our website and you can find out more for the dates and all that if you're interested, or if you just want to chat with us about it. We would be happy to talk about it with anyone individually. Interested. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, that's great. Okay, Arthur, I'd like for you to tell me a little bit about your greatest success story, either with yourself changing your life or with a client of yours without mentioning their name. That you'd like to talk about with all the work that you do, the changes that you've made? Well, I think. Are you looking right now? Are you. Are you talking? You. You just talk to one of the best clients of mine and the most successful stories. I totally forgot about Faith’s journey, and Sinead’s was quite challenging journey as well. And she is doing very well with our guidance. And, you know, my instructions. But I have one personal actually a very interesting story I may share with you, Angela. This is about my family, actually, and how my family life has changed because of Chris’s intuitive skills and our intuitive skills being developed. Years ago, we used to live in a beautiful golf course community, Halifax Plantation. My wife was riding with my daughter, the horses, and they kept their horses in a sleepy hollow as well. And my wife was always the dream as far as I know her. Always. She was dreaming about the ranch, having her own ranch. And Chris told her, I believe that was like 2013, that 2015 you're going to have your ranch. Well, she was not really, really a believer of what he was telling. And that was almost the end of 2015 November. And like every other day, I kept hearing, Arthur, it's 2015 where is my ranch? So we started we started to search actually for the property because there was certain situations of the ranch get complicated and we had to move our horses out of there. Out of that location. So we were sort of like forced by the universe, I guess, to start searching. So we were searching and searching for a couple of days. And the last property on our list the realtor presented to us was this a less than attractive property west of Bunnell. Terrible pictures. But we said, Well, let's see it. So and we were getting information on our future ranch periodically in the forms of the like visual information, you know, house with triangle windows, two trees in front of the house, for example. And many more. I mean, the interesting thing is that we usually making a note after our meditations and I have those notes. I found those notes from 2013. And then when the 2015 came was November 25th, Thanksgiving. We stand in front of that house and we said, That's it. This is the house we were looking for. And we were shown and Christopher was telling us for the past two or three years I was even presented with the price we should pay for this house. So my wife always wanted to have the property with no sable palms. So if she would like to ride her horses, she would need to pick up the palm fronds because the horses may get spooked on this property. All the beautiful palms were outside of our property, always dreaming about the barn cats, for example, having a barn cut. So we had all the barn. The back door is going through the laundry room. I actually had already opening the cats to the small dogs doors, and so now she had 2 to 2 cats. Everything was pretty much exactly the way she always dreamt about it and about she said, Well, it's 25th of November, usually takes 60 days to close it. We're not ready to close. We're not ready to sell our house. We'll have to have a two mortgages. Complications. Then. Christopher intuitively says that it's going to be quick close. We said impossible, and we actually close on a January six. Then we had the second mortgage and there were three contracts before that house and that range and they fell through. The price was exactly as I was shown when our realtor was started to.. wanted to negotiate the price lower. Absolutely not. This is it. Just let us see. Show me where to sign it. So we get the house and the whole family loved it. No one felt sorry about leaving beautiful house in Halifax Plantation. So it was just a dream come true. She actually even has those letters. There's the dream came true that on one of the walls in the barn, as she's got two of her living horses with her two cats, three dogs. And I don't know, how many chickens. And it's so peaceful, so quiet. You can see a milky Way. And this started actually with Chris’s predictions almost. And our hard energy work and a trust that, don't negotiate this price or you will lose it. But I sent I felt this in my heart, Don't do it. And we work also on a seller. Well, little bit that night once we put the offer on because the seller was more what I sense intuitively, remotely more into money. So I had to soften his heart chakra a little bit, bring more love into it and it worked out very well. Second day we got the answer. Within the week we, we got their approval and everything, so it was wonderful. We could close by the end of the year. But unfortunately, the human factor, one of the bankers did not check the mails coming from my wife's work and went through the spam and we had to wait another week to get that mail re-sent. Otherwise, you would have gotten it in 2015. Right. January six. That's still close enough. So yeah, but that's a really this if if we will just use our mind and what we would like to we won't be able to close it. We won't be able to find this beautiful place because first of all, we would be waiting to put our house on the market, sell that house and transfer money to then the property will be probably already gone. Yes, but this way Chris said don’t worry about it. We find a way to have a two mortgages temporarily. For a couple of months. House was sold in . Money transfer. Beautiful. Everything went nice and smoothly. So it was a to be preserved intuitively, yes, yes, yes. Well, even the simple, simple example like we started to rebuild the barn and I said, well, that's a bad time to do it financially. We're very tight. But I always keep hearing and and were shown, don't worry about it put everything on a credit card. So we did it. And within a couple of weeks we started to see offers coming in to us through mail, 0% interest for three years, for example, so we could quickly transfer money to repay everything once the house was sold. Done. But if we would wait until we get money to redo the barn or remodel the barn, the prices of the material went up to the roof. But again, the trust do it now. But that was how it felt. That's just what we teaching here as well with me and Faith Christopher. Everyone knows that if it feels right, peaceful, soft, loving in your heart, no matter what others are saying, go for it. Do it if you feel tight, no matter what they say and how great this way is, don't do it. Listen to those intuitions for everyday decisions. Listen to your heart. Yes, well said. I like that. Faith, can you tell me a little bit more about the angels, How you work with the angels? Okay, so the angels are just one aspect of the many, many light beings that exist in the spiritual realm. So the amazing thing about angels is that they have a very, very high vibration. So when you look at energy, so if everything's energy and this is kind of how we explain energy, everything is energy. Even on the physical level, you've got material things, plants, wood, human body made up of all the way down to the atoms, right? And these atoms are electrically charged. So if you break everything down, it is all a component of energy. So with the angels and the other light beings that are at higher vibrational levels, they cannot necessarily be measured by tools that we've created, but our senses can pick them up, our physical body can even sense them. But the really cool thing about angels is that they have the ability to bring their vibration to a space closer to where we are on the physical level so that they can show us signs and symbols in this world. For example, my sign that I get from angels is rainbows. Any time that I even questioning what I'm doing, I'll see a rainbow if I if it's right, if I need to not be questioning, that will give me a rainbow and I'll see it either in the sky. I might see a picture, I might see it in the water, in the in the ground. But I will go right back to what was I thinking a moment ago. I was doubting what I'm doing. And those rainbows have kept me true to my intuition. So they've really helped me and that aspect. But as Sinead knows, Sinead is an angel expert as well, so. But there's an angel for everything. So there's, there's a very complex realm of angels on a variety of levels that even supersedes what has been taught about angels up to this point. There's been a lot of talk about the different archangels through some of the teachers that teach about angels. But what we've noticed is there's more these groupings of types of angels, and they can come down enough to even give you a name. But it's not necessarily a thing that they have to do. They can show up for you however you would like to see them or however you sense them. So some people it might be a visual like for me with rainbows, where some people might feel goosebumps on their arms or some people make, you know, feeling of peace when there's an angel around. So there's a lot of different aspects of working with angels, but you can ask them for help and they must be asked for help because they can't interfere unless you ask. But they will help you with anything, anything you ask. They've helped me move furniture just when I've asked. Seemed like something was impossible to move. I asked for help, and then all of a sudden I get clarity about the best way to do it. The easiest way. And they will always show me the easiest way. Sometimes not even the way I think of, but it's the easiest way. So it's really great. I created some angel cards here for people to do Angel card readings. Sinead’s just created a beautiful angel journal so that you can, as you begin to work with the angels, you can keep track of how they speak to you, what kind of things you might ask them, and how what their responses are. So it's really kind of a nice way to grow your intuition. If you love working with angels, Anything you want to add to that Sinead? Well, I'm an angel hand as Faith mentioned and I have been for years, but I think I might have been maybe too much for a while, but I had to stop. I took a break to use my own intuition for a while, but I'm back full force now, asking them for help with everything. Like I would ask them. The reason why I don't mind asking them is because I know that when they do things for us, they'll tell me if this is correct. They grow to like the way we grow spiritually or we grow our intuition. And the angels have specific jobs and we're actually doing them a favor because then they're growing, right? That's true. And there's all sorts of angels that I didn't know about that Arthur has told me about, like the house angel I'm getting on. Great with the house angel now and our guardian angels. But it's great that there's an angel for everything. And it's probably my favorite light connection because it's the one I probably trust in the most because I see more tangible signs all the time. Because I really work to build in that relationship. But yeah, I love them. I can't say a bad word about angels. Love that. Okay, who wants to talk to me more about chakras? chakra clearing. Seems like almost everybody out there has blockages in one way or another. And I know that when you're blocked in one chakra, it affects other things that are going on in our life. So here I think you're the man for this. You're teaching the class on chakras. Go! He’s teaching a class? okay! Give us a synopsis. This is, I guess, a summary of, of all those classes. First of all, we not only work on the seven main chakras, we are in our physical body, but we also introduce to other upper chakras through Christopher's teachings. Very often we focusing also on those chakras I just mentioned moments ago about the eighth chakra. Most of the people, they, they don't know about this chakra, the eight, ninth, tenth, 11th, but the eighth chakra, if we would like to clear our mind and all those negative thoughts, that would be the first one I will have to clear. And there are certain ways of clearing it. We also teaching our students and the, you know, members of our institute how to do it by yourself. And then when you feel like you have this terrible thoughts constantly circulating around you, you can clear it either by use of some of the light energies we working with surrounding you, you can ask the angels to do it for you as well. Very often I ask them to do it if they feel that this is the best way for that particular person to clear that chakra and it will do it. And then we have the chakra was like the most commonly AC affected. Heavily affected chakra was the second one. Some people, they call this the second chakra. This one controls our relationship, our finances, our intimate relationships. They're often blocked and clogged and diagnosing the blockage will allow me to remove blockage and then all the energy around you and you connect it to is starting to flow the way it should be flowing. Well, natural harmonic way. And you feel better and the relationship is better and finances are hopefully better. So we don't work on the on the chakra number one, that's more experts in the Kundalini energy alight. We work most of the time. We work from the upper chakras down to keeping the first one. We making sure that the natural flow of the energy lifeforce coming from the first chakra will have no blockages in upper chakras. So then that the natural life force will not be spread so that we see horizontally causing more of, let's say, relationship problems. You this is the second one. So once those opera ones are nicely balanced and in a harmonious state, then the natural life force will I mean the life force will start to to circulate through our systems healthy naturally in a natural way. But there's so many different ways of clearing and balancing those chakras. Once I do the major cleaning or readjustment, then I'm teaching clients to do this type of the work by themselves. I think so. And it's so easy to do it, especially when you're using it is very easy to do it. And I and I would like to say that part of what we strive for with our clients and our students is, that we help them to help themselves, we help them to have trust and belief in themselves so that they can do this work for themselves. We don't want to not not that we're not grateful and willing to help people, but we want to put that power into the hands of people so that they can do it for themselves because it's entirely possible. And the benefit of being able to do that on a daily basis are unending. Yeah, because things happen in our lives on a daily basis. That's always threatening to throw off our balance, right? Yeah, yep, yep. And then there's teaching like we'll teach you. We like to teach more than anything. That's that's what we are, where we're an institute. We are here for teaching. So while we do the sessions and the healing sessions and that we we're here to educate. So we want people to learn what they can learn and experience and explore their own unique gifts and abilities so that every in the room can be doing a meditation where they're learning how to clear their chakras and make corrections in those spaces. But every single one of them is doing it differently the way that they can do it, the way that they see how to do it, and they're experiencing it differently based on who they are. So you all do you meditations, do you do any live meditations or are they all on Zoom? Our meditations, our lives mostly, but they're recorded on Zoom, and then we have a membership site that you can go back and watch all of the recordings of the meditations. You can go on Zoom and watch them live if you're from home, or you can come into the institute and experience them. And then we have some that are ones we use all the time that are recorded on there. So if you become a member, then you'll have access to all of that. So that's kind of how our meditations work. It's a little community, but the most important thing is that only we only offer the zoom to our members. Yeah, otherwise you just come in person. So that's the major benefit of being able to be anywhere in the world and connect with us. So to become a member, what does that entail? Well, you just sign up on our websites very easy and you just pay$50 a month, which we figured out was a huge savings for people because normally people who do come to meditations come a lot. Instead of paying per class, you just pay once a month and then you've got everything you could come to for free. There's also a yoga in there. We have mindfulness for children. We have a kids corner in there. So there's things for the whole family. We have what we called. We used to call the learning Library, where we have got free classes and resources that you can do at home, you know, to strengthen your intuition. There's an intuition quiz to see what your strongest intuitive senses there's all about energy. There is a class on angels, so that's all free to do at your own time, your own pace. But the meditations, they can tune in live to Arthur on Thursday or Faith on Saturday or Arthur on Saturday, whichever they want, or they can watch it later. So it's really wonderful because I don't know what I would do without the zoom. Obviously, because if we, you know, life happens, you miss it. You can't be there on time or the weather's bad. But we still have Zoom. So it's been a wonderful thing for people and it's a lovely community of people who are on the journey together and they're like minded and lighthearted people. So we're very proud of the membership. Thanks to the coronavirus, we were sort of like, forced to investigate the zoom option for our members. So yeah, work out pretty well. Meditations are recorded, but we trying to keep them as fresh as new as possible energetically. What's happening right now on our planet is something very interesting. A of energetic changes. Dynamics are huge. So for us, keep meditation recorded from even two months ago. Won't make any sense because you should be energetically a different person today than you were two months ago. So the instructions coming to the participants of the meditations are different on a pretty much on a daily basis. So we were doing meditations. We started at the cabin, and those meditations once a month were 3 hours long. Then we were slowly trimming those meditations to about 2 hours, and now we're down to about the one hour. But they are very deep, very powerful meditations. Light connections actually, and they've been custom designed to this very particular group of the participants. We've seen that they you can always, always reconnect to the recorded things, but most of the time you will be almost like a participant observer of that meditation. You're changing a lot during those connections. You're not the same some an hour later. So and if you're doing a homeworks you ask to do, you should be a different one next week. My instructions should be different from the week ago. If they are the same, that means that the group hasn't done any homework! Yes, we must all do our homework. Yes. So you took me on a tour of your business there and you have quite a beautiful building there with all the different rooms and I just want to make everybody out there aware that if you live here or if you come to visit here, that you should definitely stop by the Intuitive Living Institute because they have so much to offer there also. So I saw that, yeah, you have your massage table and you have you do facials there. Yes, a practitioner's yes, she does the oxygen therapy, natural facials and yes detox program. So there is always something for everybody in here. Yeah. Do you do light therapy? She does, yes. Yeah. Am I missing anything else? Yoga, yeah. Stretching and stretching. Oh. When do you do that? Monday evenings

at 6:

00. Just to start the week off. Right. With it's we call it not yoga. Yoga, but it's just gentle, stretching and getting your mind right for the week ahead. It's a very while you all teach that are you have somebody come in that does one of our practitioners. Jan Yeah. She'll teach. Yeah. Okay. All right. Is there anything else? Anybody would like to add to your story here today? Well, the one thing we do have coming up that we thought would be great for the community to hear about is our expo, which will be happening in March in 2024. And last year we just basically thought it would be wonderful to bring all of, you know, you know, how hard it is to market and get word out there. So we thought there's so many rich and wonderful and innovative ways, wellness ways in the community, and people are all kind of in their offices not knowing how to promote and how to get word out to the people. So we created this community event, the Expo Wellness Expo, and we had our first one last year in FPC and it was wonderful, you know, and in fact, the community is still connecting and people are like, I think everybody who was there had a successful like they got clients, they got the word out, they made the connections with the practitioners. So it's like a little community now that we're also very proud of that and we're doing it again. So that will be in March. So if anyone is in the wellness business or if they have a desire to have a table and be a vendor, we would welcome that. So we're going to be getting started on that soon. Awesome. Yeah. And they should just get in touch with you. Yeah. Yeah. And our website too. There'll be a page to sign up for. We'll have all that in our show notes. If anybody wants to get hold of you for anything here that's going on, they'll be able to. So I'm going to ask each of you, starting with you, Arthur, to give our listeners a goal in life to help them live a better life through health and fitness. What would you like to say? Oh, just listen to your heart. I know. Yes, I love that. Listen to your heart. And you can you see we since we work with energies, you can call those energies the way you like it. You feel the most comfortable. But listening to your heart to us practitioners of the Institute means listen to your soul's guidance, because who we really are is not this physical body. We are this wonderful light energy connected to this physical body. So that's the soul. But if you will be just listening to your inner voice or your heart, you will be actually communicating with your soul. So listen to your heart, to your inner voice. And it just if it feels right, don't listen to anybody else. Beautiful. Faith? Well, Arthur Took mine but I can come up with another one. I would say that trust is a big one, trusting yourself. So it's similar to what Arthur said, trusting yourself and trusting the universe. The universe is vast, but when you trust yourself, you develop this kind of communication with the universe and you know that it has your best interests at heart. There are no problems, only opportunities to grow. So keeping that in mind when something comes up, it seems like a struggle. It seems hard. If you can find the opportunity for growth in there, sometimes it's even just to walk away from it. Trust that, trust that above all else, that you know that the universe has what's best in mind for you and to listen to what feels right, what feels comfortable that it's never a problem. We're really not meant to struggle in this world and we're not meant to suffer, but we suffer when we struggle against what is happening and if we can find the opportunities within the struggle, within the problem, then we can move through it easier. So I would say that. Thank you, very good. Yes. Sinead? Well, Faith took mine. That's what I have is trust now because that will provide, That was the hardest part for me trusting, trusting my intuition, trusting my higher self, trusting myself, trusting my body. But if I was to add to it, I would say maybe put yourself first because I was always the caregiver for everyone or the fixer or helper or the life coach or the, you know, the mom and I never really figured out who I was. I never knew I could have talents to make logos and websites, for example. And Arthur used to always say to me, Enjoy this beautiful day or he says it all the time of meditation. But it sticks with me because I now do things I enjoy and I never did that before. And it that I think deepens your intuition too, because you fall into a place where time disappears and you get into these creative zones and it brings out feminine energy and everything. So that for me was huge. Just doing what I enjoy and putting myself first. I had to detox from the addiction to helping others first. Actually, Chris would say the same thing. You know, work on yourself first and then you'll be more of a benefit to the world and you'll be happier version and the healthier version and love your body and everything you do. So yeah, put yourself first you deserve it. I like that I need to do more of that. Mm hmm. All right, you guys. Well, thank you so much for coming on the show. It's been such a pleasure. I've enjoyed meeting and talking to you all, visiting with you and I'll be coming back to visit. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. This is Angela Grayson from the Loving Life Fitness Podcast. To help others in their fitness journey. It’s All Possible! It’s time to wake up. Here we go.

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